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Commercial Real Estate

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commercial real estate


It is a term that applies to several different types of non-residential buildings. Realtors that handle commercial real estate may handle sales, rentals, or both.


An agent generally helps buyers and sellers of business-related properties. Offices, retail space, even farms, and apartment buildings are considered commercial property.


It is also called income or investment real estate. Real estate agents may assist in the purchase or sale of a commercial or investment property. They may also help owners lease space in commercial buildings. Renters have realtors help them find the perfect space for their business or a great apartment.


We’ll help you navigate this world whether you’re a buyer, seller, or renter.


Types of Commercial Real Estate


There are many, many types. Everything from storefronts to golf courses. Most investment properties tend to fall into one of eight broad categories.


1.    Retail. Here are your storefronts, grocery stores, big-box stores, and shopping malls.

2.    Office Space. These properties range from a single building with one tenant to big city skyscrapers with hundreds of businesses leasing space.

3.    Multi-family Housing. These are apartment buildings, condos, senior living facilities, and even mobile home communities. Anything that is not a single-family home.

4.    Industrial Properties. These include warehouses and a variety of factory types.

5.    Land. Even with nothing on it, a piece of land destined for a commercial building is commercial real estate.

6.    Hotel. From the budget freeway motel to the posh tropical resort, hotels are all commercial real estate.

7.    Mixed-use. Buildings that combine two or more types of commercial activity in one building. A common mixed-use building would have retail on the ground floor with apartments above.

8.    Special purpose. This category includes things like churches, schools, government buildings, and parking structures.




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